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CEnvP SC Specialist

By 10/07/2018January 24th, 2020No Comments

Brendan Page, a Senior Associate Environmental Scientists with EIS, has recently transitioned from the former certified practitioners scheme administered by Site Contamination Practitioners Australia (SCPA) to the scheme run by the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ).

Brendan is now a Certified Environmental Practitioner, Site Contamination Specialist (CEnvP SC Specialist).   The NSW EPA requires all reports submitted to them for compliance with the requirements of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 to be prepared by, or reviewed and approved by,  a consultant certified under one of the approved schemes. In recent times, EIS have also seen numerous local Councils specifying that environmental reports accompanying development applications (and those required to address statutory development consent conditions) prepared/approved by certified practitioners.   For further information please contact Brendan Page in EIS.