Regional NSW Hospitals (Goulburn, Harden and Mudgee, NSW)

Hazardous building materials assessment.

Project challenges

JKE has undertaken numerous hazardous building materials assessments for hospitals in regional NSW. These surveys were all undertaken during normal working hours in fully operational hospitals. Due to the sensitivity and controlled nature of some areas of the hospital grounds, survey times, liaison with staff and access requirements had to be strictly organised in advance, often through several levels of management.

Our solutions

The assessments were completed by NSW licensed asbestos assessors or experienced hazardous building materials consultants. Several of the surveys were undertaken in conjunction with land contamination assessments so that only one disruption notice was required.

Samples of suspected hazardous building materials, including asbestos and lead, were obtained where accessible. Where access was restricted, assumptions were made based on professional experience and additional site knowledge gained from the contamination assessment.

For each hospital site, JKE prepared a hazardous building materials assessment report, which included a hazardous building materials register for each building and photographs for future identification of hazardous building materials.